Myers Briggs: Brilliant or bullsh*t?

Is Myers Briggs old-fashioned?
Does it still have its use in forward-thinking businesses?
Click here to find out.
What Frank Lampard teaches us about leadership (it’s not good)

Your top performers don’t always make the best leaders.
Is mental health the new ‘bad back’? Five things to consider when employing people (2023)

Employing people is hard. I admit that – and I’m a HR professional. Based on the conversations I’m having with clients (and what I’m reading in the HR business press), there are some common themes I’m seeing at the moment. Some are challenges. Others are opportunities. Here are five things to consider for people managers, […]
Does your business need an internal or external HR team?

Deciding whether you need an internal or external HR team can be confusing. Which is better? Which best suits your business? Do you need both? To make it easier to decide, let’s look at all of your options. Benefits of internal HR Internal HR doesn’t just refer to a full HR team or one full-time […]
How do you know if you need to outsource HR?

You might not need an internal HR team, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need any HR support.
So when do you need to outsource HR? And why is it so important?
That’s what we’re covering now.
Click here to read now.
How to ruin your team and destroy your credibility as a leader

If you’re not careful, this thing (we all do every day) can ruin your team and destroy your credibility as a leader.
Read how to avoid this now.
The Reflection Model: Get the best out of your current team and cut your reliance on recruitment.

Did you know more people are employed than ever before in the UK? This makes it particularly difficult for you to find new talented people. So what can you do about it? You develop the team you currently have. This whitepaper takes a deep-dive into my NEW model: The Reflection Model. Use it to pinpoint the […]
Cabbage smoothies and 5am alarms? No thanks. Why you shouldn’t read too many business books.

When it comes to running a business, most people have an opinion. Kind of like when you have your first child, everyone wants to put their penny’s worth in. And while there are some consistent themes (like having a good morning routine) most of the advice isn’t practical. You can’t follow all the advice. You […]
Teamwork and company culture: my guilty secret

I’ve got a guilty secret… I love karaoke. Always have. Always will. The only problem is, I can’t sing. But does it matter? In this article, we’re looking at what karaoke can teach us about nurturing a company culture that encourages innovation and creativity. So let’s get started. The history of singing Before we look […]
TWATs at work: How to get hybrid working right

63% of businesses are introducing hybrid working over the next 6-12 months (CIPD). Staff want and expect it from their employers, and most businesses have been quick to agree. But what is hybrid working? How do you know if you should do it? And how do you get it right? That’s what […]